Asadullah Khan

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Asadullah KhanManager Assurance & Outsourcing

Asadullah Khan is a chartered accountant having ten years of diverse experience in accounting, auditing, taxation and finance. After completing his training from Kabani & Company (Chartered Accountants) where he was mainly deputed in assurance and taxation divisions, Mr Asad joined internal audit department of Netsol Technologies Limited where he developed his expertise in financial reporting and internal control assessment, design & implementation and GDPR compliance. He has also served as head of finance department in an entertainment company before deciding to adopt consultancy as his future career path. At Mustafa Khan & Company Asad is leading audit and assurance and outsourcing wings and has also been involved in some special assignments which include costing, budgeting, financial modelling and investment appraisals, business valuation, and business process re-engineering.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

MK has been involved with us since our early days, they have provided Turbo Labz (Pvt.) Limited with accounting, legal, and finance & taxation services on a retainer-ship basis. They have also assisted us in our legal & valuation related activities. Working with them has been highly productive and flexible as they are your own team. All of this while maintaining complete professionalism and attention to detail – recommended for all start-ups..

Faraz Ahmed
CEO & Co-Founder, Turbo Labz.

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